This is a blog about my dogs. We herd, do agility and obedience. I hope you enjoy watching my dogs as much as I enjoy playing and working with my dogs.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Belle's progress at of Oct. 1, 2006

Here as some recent pictures of Belle. She's doing great! She is growing like a weed. She is still all legs and tail. Her head doesn't seem to fit her body yet. I guess it'll grow into her body someday. Her ears are starting to stay more pricked everyday. Sometimes she looks like she has helicopter ears. :)

She still likes to cuddle with me every night for an hour or so before bedtime. She'll put her two front paws on my lap and wait for me to raise the recliner foot rest to lift up the rest of her little butt to put her in laying position. Talk about spoiled!! Don't get me wrong, she definitely knows how to SPRING into the chair when she has the zoomies or BJ is chasing her. :)

Her favorite outside toy is her purple ball. She loves to play fetch. She also likes to play tug with Bailey. Inside she and Bailey will play fetch with stuffed babies or pull rope all day long.

Well enough talking, on to the pictures. Enjoy!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

YAHOO!!! The Fence Is Finally Finished!!!

I can't believe the fence is finally finished. And believe it or not, just as soon as the fence guys left, it started to rain. That was Tuesday and it has been raining off and on for the last couple of days (and nights). The dogs didn't care, of course. They love their new fenced yard and want to go out every chance they get. :) We're happy for them too, of course.

Dogs Enjoying their roomier yard

Bailey sees something at the other end of the yard. She's getting ready to run!!!

BJ making a quick turn around. Belle is just doing puppy stuff. Sniffing around.

This is looking into the yard from the side street.

Looking into the yard from ontop of the mound, down the fence line. in the back yard.

Trespassers Beware!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sept. 7, 2006 Wating and waiting for the fence company . . .

We have been waiting for four weeks now for the fence company to come out and fence in our side yards and backyard. How frustrating that is I can't even tell you!!!

With four dogs running in a little 15' x 75' area it can sometimes get a little crowded. :) Not to mention running into each other, but running to the pine trees there or the A/C units or even ME, standing there watching them running around. Duh, I really need to learn to move out of the way. :)

Agility start on Monday night. BJ and I are going to give it a go and see if we can "make a good team" or just go make big fools of ourselves during the class. Whatever we do, I'm sure we'll have fun.

Belle is growing everyday. She is about 25 lbs. now. Healthy, happy and sometimes pretty obnoxious as a puppy can be. Callie has taken on the job as "mother" teacher and will take Belle's entire head into her mouth and "woof" to make corrections at Belle. Belle loves to play with Bailey and BJ. Her day consists of playing with Bailey, sleeping, playing outside, and training at night when I get home from work. She keeps losing her baby teeth and her adult teeth are coming in right behind them. She is still all legs and tall and looks gangly, like a colt. She'll be 5 months old on Sept. 11. Time flys!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Loosing Baby Teeth

Belle lost her first baby tooth today. I found it on the floor in the living room. Actually BJ found it. He picked it up and was going to eat it. Yuck!!!

My little baby it growing up. :(

Just Hanging out together

BJ and Belle are actually starting to hang out together and play together.

Playing in the dark

Have you ever seen the movie Gremlins? The creatures go from cute little guys like this . . .

to really scarry looking ones like this . . .

Friday, August 25, 2006

Here are a couple of Belle and Bailey play fighting. They do this all day.
Her little ears make her look like she is trying to FLY.
Here's another shot of Belle following after BJ.
Belle tries to keep up with BJ. I think she'll be as big as he is. Her legs are really long.

She is a sleepy little girl. She plays hard with Bailey all day.

August 19, 2006

You can see her ears are trying to stand up straight. Sometimes they are up, sometimes they are down.

Belle's Coming Home Day 8-19-06

This is Belle, a real Southern Belle. She was born April 11, 2006. She is a little blessing and smart as a whip.