This is a blog about my dogs. We herd, do agility and obedience. I hope you enjoy watching my dogs as much as I enjoy playing and working with my dogs.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Belle's progress at of Oct. 1, 2006

Here as some recent pictures of Belle. She's doing great! She is growing like a weed. She is still all legs and tail. Her head doesn't seem to fit her body yet. I guess it'll grow into her body someday. Her ears are starting to stay more pricked everyday. Sometimes she looks like she has helicopter ears. :)

She still likes to cuddle with me every night for an hour or so before bedtime. She'll put her two front paws on my lap and wait for me to raise the recliner foot rest to lift up the rest of her little butt to put her in laying position. Talk about spoiled!! Don't get me wrong, she definitely knows how to SPRING into the chair when she has the zoomies or BJ is chasing her. :)

Her favorite outside toy is her purple ball. She loves to play fetch. She also likes to play tug with Bailey. Inside she and Bailey will play fetch with stuffed babies or pull rope all day long.

Well enough talking, on to the pictures. Enjoy!!